Jesus came to seek and to save those that were lost. That’s each and everyone of us. The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. He doesn’t desire for us to clean ourselves up in order to come to Him. He desires for us to come to Him, as we are, so that He can transform our lives and cause us to live life abundantly.

So what do you do, to have this abundant life? The Bible tells us that we must confess with our mouth and believe in our heart and you will be saved. Salvation doesn’t ensure that you will never have problems, but it does guarantee that you will never again have to face these problems alone. As you grow in God, your life will change for the better. You will experience transformation in areas of your life, that you would have been unable to accomplish on your own. Salvation is the most wonderful experience! It’s the great exchange!

Do you want to experience this gift of Salvation? If so, repeat this prayer . . .

Dear Jesus I come to you a sinner, in need of a Savior.
I believe in you, that you died on the cross so that I could be saved.
I believe you rose again and you desire to have a relationship with me.
Today, I give my life to you; everything that I am.
I ask you to have your way in me and I commit to live for you.
I repent of my sins. Transform my heart because I know I can’t do this on my own.
Jesus I thank you for this new life I have found in you.
I confess that from this day forward, I am saved!

If you prayed this prayer, you may be wondering what is the next step.

First, share this news with someone in your life. We would love to know as well. We can be reached at (513) 423-7040, by e-mail, or you can fill out the form below.

Second, find a great church and a good support system in which you can get involved. It’s important to have some good people around you to encourage you and help answer questions you may have.

Third, pray and read your Bible daily. Just like any earthly relationship, communication is key! Talk to God everyday, just like you would talk to your best friend. Share your heart with Him. He desires to have a relationship with you. The Bible is important as well because it gives us direction and allows us to hear from Him and learn about who He is. Sometimes this can be a little complicated for a new Christian and you may not know where to start. Finding that Christian support system can really help you navigate. You can also contact us and we can give you some information on where and how to begin.


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If you have accepted Christ into your life or you would like to get more information or direction; fill out the form located to your left. We will contact you and help you navigate through any questions you may have. Congratulations on taking the first step!